This is how the official recipe reads:
Aunt Helen’s Noodles
2 Eggs
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons melted butter
1-1/2 cups flour
Beat eggs good. Add salt and melted butter—add ½ cup flour and beat with egg beater. Stir in the rest of flour with knife. Cut right away.
*just as an FYI, use Butter folks. Trust me you don’t want to ruin this perfect recipe by substituting margarine, butter spreads, or oil!
Now-a-days, I use my mixer (it has a dough hook) and depending on the size of mixer you have, you can double, triple, or quad the recipe. I try to keep it to no greater than double at a time here at Stoney's Crew. The dough can start to stiffen quickly, and I am getting slower at rolling it out! Also note that the flour quantity is a rough estimate. It depends on the weather. Yep, the weather has a lot to do with the quantity of flour required. Sometimes I have found in the dry winter months less flour is needed; so it is best to add that last cup a little bit at a time! You will want nice soft dough. I ultimately usually choose to make an entire stick of butter in a day (a quad if you’re feeling ambitious, or break that down to a couple of batches like me!). The remaining noodles will freeze well after they dry. Just try to get as much extra air out of the bag as you can. On this day, I only made a double. I hadn’t planned on making Chicken & Noodles with this particular bird!
Here are a few pics on how the process works:

Ideally, you can let the noodles dry a bit (Grandma H always tried for overnight—or all day if she made them early in the morning and there were no kids around!); but this isn’t always a possibility. If you can let them dry an hour or two that is fine too. I went the short route this time. It was an emergency after all. Stoney was sick!
Now for the cooking!

The object is to make NOODLES not A NOODLE the exact shape and size of your pot! Slow and steady wins the race! After the noodles are all in the pot turn the heat down to simmer and put the lid on for approximately 5 minutes. Check on the noodles, if they are absorbing a lot of liquid too quickly, you can add a little more water a bit at a time. Let the noodles simmer for awhile.
**You can most certainly add 2 cups of chicken meat to the stock before bringing it up to a boil. I didn’t today because Stoney was having difficulty swallowing; otherwise, yep, that bird would have made an appearance in the pot!

About Noodle Making
Grandma H used to roll out the noodles on a day old newspaper. This helped to dry the noodles, and it made them more portable after she cut them (she rolled out on the kitchen table, and moved to another room to dry). DO NOT use newspapers today. The inks now do not absorb into the newspaper. The ink lays on top of the paper. Yep, if you use a newspaper, you will have gray/blackish noodles and ruin the healthy benefits of the homemade noodles by adding unwanted and dangerous chemicals to your body. If, for drying purposes, you want to make the noodles more portable move to parchment paper or a clean piece of plain white paper table cloth after cutting. I personally am spoiled. I have a large island in the kitchen that I can leave the noodles on to dry. Some folks use “noodle dryers or racks” to hang the noodles over to dry. I can’t see the need of such a thing occupying the valuable cabinet real estate in my kitchen for storage of one. It’s your kitchen; you decide what works best for you.
Here in the land of Stoney’s Crew we grew up with a dinner menu comprised of Chicken (or Beef) and Noodles (with meat included), Mashed Potatoes, Corn or Peas. (A side salad and fruit too!) There are those of you that think that is starch overload, well, o.k. maybe, but don’t knock it until you try it…
Grocery Round-Up!
Today is Wednesday, that means grocery ads in this neck of the woods! I shop at any of the following stores: Marsh, Martin’s, Meijer, Target, Publix, Wal-Mart, and Winn-Dixie have quick and easy loading sales fliers Kroger/Owen’s/Scott’s not so much… I find their site so lacking in ease-of-use that I won’t even provide the link here, I resort to the old-fashioned newspaper ad. And it is sad, because I loved shopping at Scott’s before they were purchased by Kroger. [Sigh!] I like to use the online circulars to begin the “ponderation” of menus incorporating loss leaders whenever possible.
This batch of noodles made 5 servings.
The official adult meal count for the current Chicken Challenge is 7.
Go Colts!
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